You can see a lot of birds in Hendersonville. Here are some of the birds we see at the log cabin in the winter. We put out seed, mostly sunflower seeds. And there are birdhouses in the trees and on the porch.

Photo by E. Raheem
The birds are not pets. They are wild animals. I cannot guarantee you will see a particular bird. The birds are not on a schedule. I cannot tell you when to expect the ducks.
If you get great photos of birds while you are at the cabin, please send them to me!

Photo by Ken Thomas
At the Bird Feeder
- Blue Jays
- Cardinals
- Carolina Chickadees
- Carolina Wrens
- Cedar Waxwing
- Dark-eyed Juncos
- Eastern Phoebe
- Eastern Towhee
- Evening Grosbeak
- Golden-crowned Kinglet
- Goldfinch
- House Finch
- House Sparrow
- Mourning Doves (on the ground below the feeder)
- Northern Mockingbirds (in the bushes near the brook)
We’ve heard these more than seen them. - Pine Siskin
- Purple Finch
- Robins
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
- Song Sparrow
- Tufted Titmouse
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- White-throated Sparrow
- Yellow-rumped Warbler

Photo by Ken Thomas

Photo by Cheep Shot

Photo by Ken Thomas

Photo by Melissa McMasters
Goldfinches, House Finches and Purple Finches are my favorite birds we get at the feeder. They love sunflower seeds. And the seeds make their feathers brighter.

Photo by Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

The neighbor has bluebird boxes, so sometimes we see bluebirds. Not often.
- Eastern Bluebird
In the Trees
These birds sometimes hang out in the hemlocks near the road. You can also sometimes see them if you look up when you walk around the neighborhood.
- Cooper’s Hawks
- Red-shouldered Hawks
- Red-tailed Hawks

Photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren
- Downy Woodpecker
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Northern Flickers
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

At the Brook
For being such a small brook, it is surprising how many birds we see there. The brook is part of the native hatchery for Brook Trout. We’ve also seen little cray fish.
- Great Blue Heron
- Little Green Heron
- Mallard Ducks
Some years the ducks make a nest near the brook. We get to see the tiny baby ducks. But not in the winter.

At the Ponds
We see a lot of birds at the little wetland we’ve named Somerset Swamp. There are always ducks at the pond in Patton Park. Mallard Ducks are in the brook and at the ponds.
- Canada Goose
- Mallard Ducks
- Wood Duck
Nearby Fields
- Crows
- Common Grackles
- European Starlings

Other Birds
We see Wild Turkey just walking around.
If you want to see Turkey Vulture, they are at the side of a road wherever some unfortunate animal has failed to cross successfully.
Common Grackles are the birds walking around in the parking lots. There are Rock Doves walking around in parking lots, too. Otherwise known as pigeons.
There are other birds that you are supposed to see around here in the winter, but these are the ones we have seen. There is a bird book at the cabin if you want help identifying them.

There are even more birds the rest of the year. Most years the robins build nests where the logs stick out at the corners of the cabin. They don’t seem to be afraid of us and we get to watch them raise their baby birds. They raise two families a year. Some years we have a nest at every corner of the cabin.
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