Then we decided to just drive around. We headed out on the shortest of the highways, stopped and took some pictures. Went briefly to a lava boulder beach, Mahukona Beach Park.
The little towns look like Old West towns, like in a Western movie.
We drove on down the highway, we passed the Tong Wo Society building. It was a club house for Chinese immigrants. That area was Polynesian/Chinese/Cowboy.
We stopped at a few more over looks. This was the most rainforesty area we have seen. At the very end of the road was a parking area for Pololu Valley. It is a very narrow canyon that is unbelievably lush and tropical.

On the way back, we saw this incredible rainbow across the desert. It traveled with us all the way back to the resort.
Yesterday we got up and headed toward the volcano. We drove through the Parker Ranch. On and on, it is 150,000 acres. One minute you are in desert, then, almost suddenly, it is lush and green. rolling grassland full of cows.
After a larger cowboy town, we turned up the Hamakua Coast. And it poured. We went past waterfalls and incredible ocean views. The only radio station we could get was from Maui, since we were blocked by the mountains from everything else. The views were amazing, what we could see of them.
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